Trophy Care
The way you care for your animal immediately after harvest is critical for achieving high quality mounts. Let’s go through the details to help you confidently care for your trophy.
In general, here are some important tips:
Ensure adequate hide for mount.
Do not drag any part of the cape.
Keep the cape as clean as possible.
With a sharp knife, start between the ears, cut down the center of the back, stopping 10 inches past the shoulders. From that point, make a circular cut around the midsection of the body. Cut up the back of the front legs (rear facing part of the leg) to the elbow, then 90 degrees back to the circular cut. Cut the front legs off at the knee and continue skinning the hide up toward the head, once neck is exposed, but before the head is exposed, cut to release the cape and head from the carcass.
If you must cape the entire face off the skull, below is a link to a resource we found very helpful with photos of each step to properly cape an animal in the field without jeopardizing the hide.
Caping Deer for Shoulder Mounts - Step by Step Guide - Sporting Shooter
Let the cape air out and cool down…treat the cape the same as the meat – keep it cool, clean and out of the sun. No plastic bags and do not submerge in water. Use game bags for the head and cape to keep the blow flies away. If your meat doesn’t spoil then your cape should be fine. For best results get your animal to us or a freezer ASAP.
To avoid freezer burn fold skin to skin, leaving hair to the outside. If cape is going to be frozen for an extended amount of time it is highly recommended to have the cape tanned before storage.
“We want to be a resource for your needs and walk with you through the entire experience of harvesting your animal; if this is your first one, congratulations! You are in the right place and we hope your confidence soars after reading these step-by-step instructions for caring for your animal in the field. We look forward to seeing it in our shop!”
— Kristin Stone